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I am using your software trail version okay. But 10 to 15 minutes movie only recording if I use full version I can copy full movie are not. Your software we can copy 3d movie 50 Gb bd is possible
i cant chose languages fronm bluray how cana i solve it?
youer spam control is terrible
I want to watch my bought DVD movies on my Kindle Fire in my spare time, I will be very grateful if any of you can help.
I just bought an iphone from the store but dont know how to listen to music. I have trouble listening to gwen stefani.
I bought yesterday your converter for Audible filês
I have one AAX file I tried to convert
Translation went through, but, as the AAX source file has a duration of 1H10 min
utes, the resulting MP3 file is truncated and is only 53 minutes
How could I solve the problem ?
Thanks Have a good day
Need updater for Mac Tunes Cleaner. Catalina will not launch to update within app.
What is the name of the "new ipad"?
The share option only allows me to upload to sites like youtube, and the email attachment restricts the size. I connected my iphone5s to my computer, but all that shows up is pics. When I used my iPhone 3, everything (pics, music, videos) was transferred well.
Would do I do if a great number of songs in my itunes library have incorrect album art and names after using this program...this is pretty bad.
Name: Paul Tomaro
Activation key: 7CA27FCD991FF534F915154A