Mac Nook Converter

Convert Nook eBook to EPUB & Nook audiobook to MP3 on Mac

Convert Nook audiobooks to MP3
Convert Nook ebooks to epub
100X conversion speed
Batch conversion, original quality...

Storytel Audio Converter

Storytel Audio Converter

Convert Storytel audiobooks to MP3 on Mac

Convert Nook Audiobooks to MP3 on Mac

Wondering how to download and convert Nook audiobooks to MP3 on your Mac computer? imElfin Nook Converter is the optimal solution for decrypting and converting Storytel audiobooks to the MP3 format.

No Compromise on Quality

The conversion process maintains the original quality of Storytel audiobooks. The resulting Nook audiobooks and ebooks will retain the same quality as the originals.

1-Click Decrypting and Converting

Convert Nook ebooks

Convert Nook ebooks

Convert Nook ebooks to Epub

Convert Nook ebooks to Epub Format

How to Convert Nook eBooks on a Mac Computer? imElfin Nook Converter can effortlessly convert Nook ebooks to EPUB format with just one click on a Mac computer. Afterwards, you can either send your Nook EPUB files to Kindle or transfer them to your preferred eReader using a USB cable. This ensures that you can enjoy reading Nook books offline on EPUB-compatible devices.

Read Nook books Anywhere on Any Device

Fast Speed

Fast Speed

Super-fast conversion Speed

Convert Nook Books in Just 1 Second

Converting a Nook ebook takes only 1 second. After adding the Nook ebooks to imElfin Nook Converter, click "Start Conversion" to initiate the process, and you'll be amazed by its rapid conversion speed. Whether it's your Nook audiobooks or ebooks, they can all be converted at a speed of at least 100X faster.

User Friendly Interface

User Friendly Interface

Friendly interface, simple operation

Automatically Display Downloaded Nook Books

Nook books can be downloaded through the Android emulator using the Nook for Android APK. You don't have to manually locate the downloaded Nook files. Simply click the "Refresh" button on imElfin Nook Converter to automatically load all your downloaded Nook books and proceed with the conversion.

Batch Convert

Batch Convert

Convert in batch

Batch Convert Nook Books

This software allows you to select all the books loaded in the left panel. Just choose all of them, then drag and drop them to the right side. Click the "Start Conversion" button to initiate the conversion process. All added Nook books can be automatically converted to another format in batch.

Best Nook Converter for Mac

Ebook Tools
Mac Nook Converter