Nook Converter

Nook Converter, Remove Nook DRM and Convert Nook Books

Convert Nook audiobooks and ebooks

Convert Nook audiobooks to mp3
Convert Nook ebooks to epub
Convert audiobooks at 100X speed
100% original quality
Support batch conversion

Remove Nook DRM

Remove Nook DRM

Remove drm from Nook eBooks and audiobooks

Unlock DRM Protection from Barnes & Noble eBooks

Introducing imElfin Nook DRM Removal, the ultimate solution for removing DRM from Barnes & Noble eBooks and audiobooks.

Convert Barnes & Noble Audiobooks with Ease

Experience the groundbreaking imElfin Nook Converter, the first-ever tool capable of handling Nook audiobooks and converting them to MP3 format. With this innovative technology, you can convert Nook audiobooks into common MP3 files with chapters split, enabling you to enjoy them on any compatible device.

No. 1 Nook Converter for PC/MAC/Android

Convert  Nook Books

Convert Nook Books

Convert Nook eBook and Audiobooks

Convert Nook eBook to DRM-FREE EPUB & Nook Audiobook to MP3

How to Convert Nook eBooks to DRM-free Format? ImElfin Nook Converter is your only choice. By working with the Nook for Android on an Android Emulator, it is easy to convert DRM-protected Nook eBooks to DRM-free EPUB format, which is the most common eBook format accepted by most eReaders on the market.

Is there any way to convert Nook audiobooks to MP3? Absolutely, imElfin Nook Converter is the all-in-one solution for Nook content. It not only handles Nook eBooks but also can convert Nook audiobooks to MP3 format.

Enjoy your Nook ebooks & audiobooks anywhere anytime, even without the internet access.

100% Original Quality

100% Original Quality

No loss in quality

Preserve the Original Quality of Nook eBooks & Audiobooks

Rest assured, imElfin Nook Converter ensures a seamless conversion process with no loss in ebook & audio quality.

User Friendly Interface

After downloading your Nook books via the Android emulator, simply click the "Refresh" button to load your downloaded Nook ebooks/audiobooks into Nook Converter. To convert Nook books, drag them to the right side and click on the "Start Conversion" button. That's it. Your Nook ebooks will be converted to DRM-free EPUB while audiobooks will be converted to MP3, with chapters separated for easy access.

Batch Conversion

Batch Conversion

Convert Storytel Books in Bulk

Convert Nook Books in Bulk

To save time on conversions, imElfin Nook Converter supports batch conversion. You can add one or a lot of Nook books at a time and convert them with just one click.

No need to choose the output format yourself, as the software automatically sets it. For ebooks, it will be converted to DRM-free EPUB format, while for audiobooks, it will be converted to DRM-free MP3 format.

Best Nook eBooks & Audiobook Converter with only 1-click

100X Faster Convert

100X Faster Convert

Convert Storytel at 100X faster speed

Decrypt and Convert Nook Audiobooks and Ebooks with 100X Faster Speed

No matter the size of your Nook audiobooks, imElfin Nook Converter can smoothly convert them with at least 100X faster conversion speed. It takes less than 1 minute to convert a 10-hour audiobook.

Save Your Time on Audiobook Conversion

With Nook Converter, you'll save time waiting for audiobook conversions.

Ebook Tools
Nook Converter