Telstory Converter

Telstory Converter, Convert Telstory to MP3, or Epub

Convert Telstory audiobooks and ebooks

Convert Telstory audiobooks to mp3
Convert Telstory ebooks to epub
Convert Telstory at 100X speed
100% Original quality
Support batch conversion

Convert Storytel Audio

Convert Storytel Audio

Convert Storytel audiobooks to MP3 format

Convert Storytel audiobooks to MP3

How to download and save Storytel audiobooks as MP3 format? imElfin Telstory Converter can convert Storytel audiobooks to MP3 format--the mainstream audio format which can be played on any device.

What's the quality of the Storytel MP3 audiobooks?

The converted mp3 are preserved the 100% original quality of the Storytel audiobooks.

Convert Storytel ebooks

Convert Storytel ebooks

Convert Storytel eBooks to Epub Formats

Convert Storytel eBooks to Epub Formats

Is there anyway to read Storytel eBooks on any other eReader, like kindle, kobo or reMarkable tablets? Yes, with the assistance of Telstory Converter , you can convert Storytel ebooks to the popular ebook format -- epub. Then you can transfer the drm-free epub files and read Storytel ebooks on any device.

Enjoy your Storytel eBooks anywhere anytime, even without the internet access.

100X Faster Convert

100X Faster Convert

Convert Storytel at 100X faster speed

Decrypt Storytel audiobooks and ebooks with 1 second

No matter how large your Storytel audiobooks are, Telstory Converter can convert them smoothly with at least 100X faster conversion speed. This means it only takes 1 seconds to convert 1 ebook. As for audiobooks, it may takes less then 1 minutes to convert a 8 hours audiobooks.

Save your time for audiobook conversion

With Telstory Converter, you'll save our time on waiting for audiobook conversion.

Original Quality

Original Quality

100% Preserve the Original Quality of Storytel

Preserve the Original Quality of Storytel

No matter the converted audiobooks or ebooks, they are all 100% preserved the quality of Storytel originals. So if you take quality serious, don't worry. Telstory Converter will not let you down.

Easy-to-user Interface

After downloading the Storytel books to your Android emulator, Telstory converter will auto display them in the left side bar by clicking "Refresh'. You can just drag the books from left to right side, and click "Start Conversion" to convert your Storytel books with just 1-click.

Batch Conversion

Batch Conversion

Convert Storytel Books in Bulk

Convert Storytel Books in Bulk

There is no need to add the Storytel books one by one for converting. Just "Select all" and then convert them all by clicking "Start Conversion" button.

No matter your Storytel books are audiobooks or ebooks, they all can be converted by one-click.

Best Storytel Audiobook Converter for Windows

Ebook Tools
Telstory Converter