How do I download a video off of a dvd?

Resolved Question

7/15/2013 2:48:09 AM
I want to show my friends a skit that i made at school, but it's on a dvd, how could i safely get the video from a dvd on to my hard drive?

The Best Answer

07/15/2013 02:46:53

There are many video encoders or DVD Ripper software available on the internet. You can use them convert DVD disc to popular file formats for your computer and many devices including iPhone, iPad, etc,.

My personal favorite ripper would be "Imelfin DVD Ripper" which which is a paid software and you can download it at
There are other free software like

Format Factory


05/30/2013 23:51:21
It's files on dvd is put in a folder called VIDEO_TS.Find the VOB files,you just need to copy them and play it on player that can read the VOB format file.for example,Windows Media Player?RealPlayer.
07/3/2013 20:43:59
You can use one available DVD Ripper software on the internet. As your dvd video has no copy protection, you can use handbrake or dvdfab9.Both of the tool can rip DVD disc video to the right video formats for your computer and many devices including iPhone, iPad, etc.
07/15/2013 02:46:53

There are many video encoders or DVD Ripper software available on the internet. You can use them convert DVD disc to popular file formats for your computer and many devices including iPhone, iPad, etc,.

My personal favorite ripper would be "Imelfin DVD Ripper" which which is a paid software and you can download it at
There are other free software like

Format Factory

How do I download a video off of a dvd?