The question and title, allow user add!

I want to burn a dvd on my computer? --
I want to burn a couple of dvds off the computer, I have some dvds that are the origins copies of some shows and I want to burn them off my computer. I have 2 lap tops and desktop computers and I know that I put the dvd in the drive of the tower, but were does the plain dvd cd go into to couple it?
What format do I download video's in? --
I want to download a video off youtube, so when my internets down, I can watch it on my laptop, my question is, what format do I download it in, so I can press a button on my desktop and the video would play?

Dear Sir/Madam,

my files are store on a NAS system attached via LAN cable to my local network. The NAS systems runs on Linux, the backup machine runs on Windows 10. I would like to use the backup machine to run Bluray Creator for Windows. Now my question:

(1) Can I backup files stored on NAS?
(2) Can I select files with a certain date range, e.g. 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31?
(3) Can I store the files selected using (1) and (2) on Bluray disc?

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards


Only N/A file options? --
On the side bar where you can choose which file type to download, I'm only getting the same files with a N/A file description.
my short /program is not working? --
I have purchased imElfin copy but it will not open on my desktop ? i have entered my licence
Imelfin won't load? --
When I click on the program to run it, it initially brings up the the start-up screen, which then disappears. Task Manager shows that the program has not been loaded. I try to run the program repeatedly, but it will not load. I am using Windows 10.
why is there commercials in my video? --
Toyota commercial in video
HOW to do a screenshot? --
Impossible to do a screenshot
Thank you and regards
Will this app let me create decent audio files from dvds & blue-rays so I can load them in iTunes and have good quaility playback?
Is there a free program to transfer files to iPod?