The question and title, allow user add!

What product does both type of dvd copy
I can't get a video to load? --

I downloaded imElfin, copied URL of youtube video and... nothing happens.

Please help!

Thank you.

I can't upload video to YouTube? --
I have DIYed a home gallery slides but it won't upload to YouTube? What should I do?
I had vhs tapes transferred to DVD's. Now I want to make copies of these DVD's for others to have? Can I do that on my PC (Windows7)??
product inactive but i purchased? --

i buy this product im elfin blurry dvd copy $39.99 in your web site but the product has inactive never sent me a license pleased let me know what i do you can sent a email to


When installing this program on Win7 x64, I got the Blue Screen of death warning me of a driver conflict.
When I attempted to uninstall it by running the unins000.exe file, I got an error message that the unins000.dat file was corrupt (0 KB size). can I uninstall the program
???????? url??????? --

??no 45215217?????????



Do I need a Blu-ray R/W Drive? --
Do I need a Blu-ray Read/Write drive to burn Blu-ray format files to a Blu-ray disc using your software?
Am I able to use a DVD drive player to play Blu-ray disc?
Tunes Cleaner? --
Need updater for Mac Tunes Cleaner. Catalina will not launch to update within app.