The question and title, allow user add!

invalid license? --
tried to activate- invalid license
What's the differences of the following:
how do you rotate video? --
I recorded a video on my phone that's turned sideways when played. How do I rotate it to play on my computer?
How to download youtube videos onto my mac easily, and for free?
osx will be up dated in a week..will this app still work or are you going to do an update soon?
No audio downloads.? --
I check Audio in Settings but no audio downloads from youTube.  I have tried different codecs, but its always the same.
Burning music from itunes? --
Can I download and burn music from ituns on to a CDR?
How much video can a 30gb ipod video hold? What's the minimum and maximum?
What is your favourite movie? --
Movies and the roles/actors (actress)
How to attach video to email? --
I would like to attached videos to my email but the videos are unable to be downloaded completely.