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Can you please send me a link to pay with paypal
Hello guys I recently bought a PC and I wonder how can I download movies to my PC? aka I need a movide downloading software
All the video players on my computer suddenly couldn't open any avi video files. I don't know when does it happens. I've tried Windows Media Player, Quick Time, VLC Media Player and DivX. I installed K-Lite_Codec_Pack_660_Full instead of teh ffdshow. But these didn't change anything. I also tried the Shark007 5.8.6 codec pack but it still didn't work. My computer runs Windows XP Pros 2002 SP3. Please help me, thank you!
I have a DVD I need to download onto my laptop so it can be shared via e-mail....I have placed it in my laptop but all I can do is view the options appear to enable me to do anything else at all...
I have a video in .MOV format, it plays well on my IPAD 2. Now I need to edit it with Windows Live Movie, but the software won't accept this format.
How to convert the .MOV format to Windows Live Movie?
The email with the license information just disappeared did the payment go through or not is there a problem I AM NOT AWARE of or is this a mistake.
I recently bought some music on my I phone. Now I have a new computer. Who can tell me how to sync the music library on both my computer and my phone without deleting all of the newly bought music. I tunes tutorials are useless to me... don't know what to do :(
This time I want to send something special, meaningful gift, as memories too! Do you have any suggestions?
to register the program and to start the converter you have to input the license email? the license email is a normal email and if I copy this email, the programm answers "wrong format". What should I do?
When I load the source, i get runtime error. this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application support team for more information.