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I have a iPhone and can't download the songs straight to my phone.
What is the easist way to add overlay text over videos like AVI, MP4, etc..
Damaged iTunes Library file? --
My iTunes Library file becomes damaged very frequently, re-install can't solve the problem. Any suggestions?
I have some movies stored on my PC and I want to burn them on DVD. I tried doing that but they don't play on my DVD player. Any help?
Free Video Editing software Download? --
I am going to make a music video about an element on the periodic table on a video camera but don't know how to make it come together. we need a video editing program to cut and create a music video.No seperate audio.
Why are video games are more addictive than movies, television, music, ebooks, etc.?
I have been getting sick of YouTube and I decided to split my youtube channel into 4 other channels. Now I am enjoying making these youtube channels. But I can't understand the customized thumbnails, which bothers me a lot!!!
On my old channel, I had customized thumbnails. But on my new youtube channels, I dont have them. I emailed youtube to ask why I just get jibber jabber that I cant understand back!
What can i do now?
IPad 2 video compressor ? --
I made few videos on my iPad 2. I want send them to someone but they are too large. I am on vacation so I can't use any computer. A free app to compress video on my iPad 2. Thanks very much!!
Why is the estimated file size is over four times the source?  Source MP4 is 730 MB, but the estimated once imported is close to 4 GB.
Hi, is the Blu-Ray Ripper for Mac fully functional with OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)? Thanks, Karel