About making a YouTube video?
11/24/2013 10:44:56 PM
I want to make a "best albums of 2013 " video with albums covers and my my audio talking about the video for uploading to YouTube. I can handle the subtitles part, but have no idea about how to add the album covers and audio to the video.
Pety Peter
12/1/2013 23:45:04
Use free Windows Live Movie Maker and Sound Recorder. Windows Movie Maker is for editing, sound recorder is for recording your audio.
For the Images, google for the album covers and download to your computer.
Next, convert the album covers to short video clips one by one, then merge them into a large one. To insert audio to a video, you can use an audio & video mixer tool.
Here are 10 free video editing tools, which may give you more assistance.