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- Audible Converter
- Mac Audible Converter
- Wattpad Downloader
- eBook Ultimate for Win
- eBook DRM Removal for Win
- eBook DRM Removal for Mac
- eBook Ultimate for Mac
- Deezer Music Downloader
- eBook Converter for Mac
- Kindle Converter for Mac
- Telstory Converter
- Kindle Converter
- eBook Converter for Win
- Kortext Downloader
- Tidal Downloader
- Mac Wattpad Downloader
Hello, I am trying to change format of my kindle ebook but I am not succeeding. I've downloaded the Kindle app onto my pc and one of it's folders where the e-book is contain 6 files. The 2 files which I thought I could use to do the converstion ends with .azw and the other with But when I try to convert the file . azw I keep getting an error message. Whilst the other doesn't work at all. Can you help me please? I would like to convert it to a epub format. Thank you.
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