Note: We're sorry to tell you that Amazon has further upgraded Kindle Cloud Reader in August 2020 for security reasons, which has finally made it impossible to download books from Kindle Cloud Reader. As a result, Epubor KCR Converter can’t help you convert the Kindle books from now on.

Remove DRM
Remove DRM from Kindle Cloud Reader eBooks smoothly
Remove DRM from Kindle Cloud Reader eBooks
Best Kindle Converter can remove DRM from books downloaded via Kindle Cloud Reader on Google Chrome browser. Help you read Kindle books any devices or reading app.
Remove DRM from eBook without Any Quality Loss
The converted file will keep its original quality and be backed up in a output folder.
Automatically Detect and Display Kindle Cloud Reader Books
It automatically detects the Kindle Cloud Reader books you downloaded on Google Chrome Browser and show them on the main interface.

Convert Kindle eBooks
Convert Kindle Cloud Reader to ePub, Mobi, PDF, AZW3
Convert Kindle Cloud Reader to ePub, pdf, azw3, mobi Format
You are allowed to convert Kindle Cloud Reader Books to DRM free pdf, epub, azw3 and mobi with high quality.
Please ensure you download your kindle cloud reader books on Google Chrome.
Tips: It only converts kindle books downloaded via Kindle Cloud Reader on Google Chrome browser.
Enjoy Your eBooks
The converted books can be played on almost all ebook Readers or reading app.

Auto Detect & Display Books
Auto show the downloaded books in the main interface.
Detect and Display Books Automatically
If you have already downloaded your Kindle Cloud Reader books to your computer on Google Chrome browser, all downloaded books will be displayed at the main interface when you run this Kindle Converter. It will save you time from manually finding where your downloaded books are stored.
Where are Kindle Cloud Reader Books Stored on PC?
If your kindle cloud reader books are downloaded via Google Chromes, they should be stored here: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\databases\

Search and Sort Books
Save time on searching any book among thousands of eBooks files.
Search Any Book
Fill in the characters or words in your book title to the search box, you will easily see the book you want to find. No need to check the book title one by one from thousands of books.
Sort Books by Title or Date
Just click on the "Book Title" to sort your Kindle Cloud Reader by book title. Or click on "Recently" to sort your books by its downloaded date.

Batch Conversion & User-friendly
Convert book in bulk.
Decrypt and Convert Kindle Cloud Reader Books in Bulk
Check the box next to the book title to select it one by one, or you can just tick the box at the top left corner to choose all books at once for converting.
Read Kindle Cloud Reader on Any Device
Read the converted Kindle books on Kindle, iPad, Nexus 7, Android, Mac, Kobo, Sony eReader, Remarkable, etc.
Neat and User-friendly Interface
Designed with the neat and beautiful interface, even a newbie can use it without any guide.

Kindle Converter
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