The best movie to dvd converting program?
12/2/2013 6:31:55 PM
I convert avi to dvd, but can't play them on my dvd player. VCD and orindary dvd play well. Do I need another DVD converter program or what can I do? Please help!
Sam Hig
10/23/2013 00:46:06
1. Change the type of media you are using, check the burning speed as well. Burn slower and see what happens.
2. Perhaps your software does not work correctly? Try another video converter program such as Handbrake to convert avi to vob.
3. Or you can burn the avi videos into a DVD. imElfin DVD Burner is good and performs almost perfectly during my use.
10/30/2013 18:22:43
I had that same problem. what i realized is this: some disks(DVD's) you buy will warp I did'n even hear this warp till i put the disk in my dvd rom on my laptop. so i went with a diferent brand of disks solved the issue. Also I started recodeing my dvd's with nero recode before burning them. This recode feature is found in the Nero ultra and does have updates but i found that the updates didn't hurt or help quality so i would say it is not necessary to update. so there you have it that is how i fixed the jerking and hanging on all my dvd's.