PS4 for Cyber Monday?
For Cyber Monday, your best bet is either Amazon or Walmart.
If you go with Amazon, you need to be extremely quick and vigilant. “IF” Amazon releases any PS4’s for Cyber Monday, it will be at 12:00am (PST). Walmart would release them at 12:00 (EST).
That being said, there has been no release or news that either site is offering them for “Cyber Monday”. Your best bet is to watch for Sony’s second shipment of PS4’s come in mid-December. What ever you do, DO NOT PAY the inflated prices of those on eBay or Craigslist. Wait a few weeks and buy one for $399. If you buy one at an inflated price, you’ll feel silly in a few weeks when you know you could have saved yourself a few hundred dollars.
Best of luck!