iOS 6 problem!!?
11/14/2013 10:16:02 PM
My host dad took my iPod and even upgraded my iPod to iOS 6. Now I can't install any apps I tried putting in my password and it doesn't do anything. I can't change password, either. How do I get to install apps? Give me helpful solutions!!
Pauluse Yuni
12/2/2013 19:08:59
You shouldn't trust him with your iPod again. He got full access to your photo library and all your accounts you had on it for however long he had your iPod touch. For your App Store situation, he probably changed your password. Oh, and sorry he upgraded to the iOS version you didn't want.
Alex Owen
12/8/2013 19:02:59
I would suggest next time, put a passcode on it and tell him to get his own device if he wants to download his pictures.
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