HD DVD vs Blu- Ray?
It is true that HD DVD signed a deal with Paramount, but many of paramount's directors aren't very happy about it. Michael Bay, for instance, is releasing transformers in BOTH formats. This is just a last ditch effort by HD DVD, they are already losing 3 to 1.
if it was not released on Blu Ray as well (he later backed down, but is still obviously disgruntled). Also, Steven Spielberg's films are specifically excluded from the deal, indicating that both of these filmmakers favor Blu Ray. The Paramount deal has been labeled a "desperate" move by HD DVD to make one last attempt to turn the tide. But with 3 major studios still exclusively backing blu ray to hd dvd's 2, and the others who back both formats seeing much higher sales for Blu Ray, it's pretty obvious who's winning.
And the future looks even more promising for blu ray. The Paramount deal expires in a year and a half, and members of the gaming community are eagerly awaiting the release of next year's PS3 games, which have impressed many with the opportunity to preview upcoming releases. As you know, PS3 has a built in blu ray drive. If PS3 sales surge, which seems likely due to the anticipated increase in game quality and recent price cuts, then studios will have even more incentive to back Blu Ray.
Sorry if this was a little long. I've cited the content from an article I read before.