Convert MSI to EXE, the Best MSI to EXE Converter Freeware

Use the best MSI to EXE Converter freeware, imelfin MSI2EXE Converter, to convert MSI to EXE easily, fast and free.

The best MSI to EXE converter freeware to convert msi installer to exe.

Convert MSI to EXE with 1-click
Easy, light and fast
No ads, malware or bothering toolbars  

Free download imElfin MSI2EXE Converter for Windows XP, Win7, Win 8 (x86, x64) below.

MSI to EXE Converter freeware

imElfin free MSI2EXE Converter is the best ever MSI to EXE converter freeware in the market, empowering users to convert MSI (Windows Installer File) to EXE (Executable) with ease. There are no ads or toolbars bothering during the installation. On the contrary, this program delivers a fast and straightforward solution to MSI2EXE conversion under a superb light package (less than 500k). Little system resources are required, and more importantly, you will have your EXE files generated in seconds.

How to convert MSI to EXE free with the best MSI to EXE Converter

Download and install imElfin free MSI2EXE Converter freeware below.

MSI to EXE Converter freeware download

Step 1: Set source MSI file.

Launch imElfin MSI2EXE Converter. Click the "Browse" button next to the "MSI File:" input field and choose a source MSI file.

Add MSI file to free MSI to EXE Converter

Step 2: Set output EXE file.

Click the "Browse" button next to the "Output File:" input field to set the output path and file name. By default, once the source MSI file is specified, the output EXE file will be decided with the same name as the source (the extension name is EXE).

Step 3: Convert.

Click the "Convert" button to convert MSI to EXE. In seconds, the EXE version will be generated.

Convert MSI to EXE with MSI2EXE Converter freeware

The following success window will pop up.

Convert MSI to EXE success

More features:

To optimize the output EXE installation, imElfin free MSI2EXE Converter also makes it possible to add extra info to the generated EXE version including Product name, Product Version, File Version, Company Name, Legal Copyright, etc. Simply check the "Custom version information" box to enable this function.

Add version info on inElfin free MSI2EXE Converter

By using the best free MSI to EXE Converter, imElfin MSI2EXE Converter, you are able to convert MSI to EXE in the easiest way. Never worry about unexpected crashes or stuck!

MSI to EXE Converter freeware download

Convert MSI to EXE, the Best MSI to EXE Converter Freeware